Saturday, March 31, 2012

Birthday Fun!

Of course, the birthday fun continued on Tink's actual birthday!
 We started the morning with a special breakfast - mini pancakes with strawberries and whipped cream. This was a last-minute decision on my part, but they were a huge hit, and just might become a birthday tradition.
 On to presents - one of my friends told me about these amazing pop-up books by Robert Sabuda. If you don't know about his books, you should. I enjoy them just as much as Tink does!
 ABC Bible Verses - I got this idea from scripture cards on this blog, but decided that it would be more meaningful as a book with a picture of Tink on each page. She is starting to memorize scripture, and I hope that this will help hide truth in her heart.
 A fun princess tent! I got a steal on a Toy Story tent for Bug's birthday, and couldn't resist getting a princess one and stowing it away for Tink. They fold flat like car shades and I love them.
 After breakfast, we headed to the zoo. I'm normally a "two hour" kinda zoo visitor, and we have a pass, so I have no problem calling it a day as soon as anyone is ready to go. Because it was her day, I let Tink call the shots. We walked the ENTIRE zoo, beginning with the elephants and ending with the snakes. We bought lunch instead of bringing our own (my treat, and a complete shock to my children - they didn't even know there were restaurants at the zoo!) and we rode the train. I also let Tink bring her new doll, which I clearly reminded her was a speical birthday treat and would not become the "norm" (the last thing I need is something else to keep track of!) Both kids did really well, the weather was perfect, and we had a great day.
The absolute highlight of her day - getting to pet a snake. There have been several animals at this "touch" display during our visits, but never a snake. She was thrilled to see it there on her day. She is afraid of birds and terrified of dogs, but LOVES snakes. Yeah, it's weird...

Our day ended with family dinner a quick tour at Rainforest Cafe, which led both of my children into a meltdown (no idea, because we've been there a handful of times and she had been talking about it for days). We hopped across the mall to Chili's, which I might note, is also located approximately .10 of a mile from our house...oh well :)

I interviewed Tink for her birthday, and will share her answers soon.

Yo Ho Ho!

After her Dora party last year, Tink had some very specific requests for her Jake and the Neverland Pirates party this year. If you don't have little ones, it's a cute show on Disney loosely based on Peter Pan. There's even a girl pirate! I had to reel her ideas in just a little, but for the most part was able to go along and plan a really fun fourth birthday party.
 Welcome to my party, matey!
 Pirate ship food table (including Chick fil a, as requested)
 Outdoor Pirate Games - digging for treasure
 Blasting Captain Hook with "cannonball" water balloons
 Walking the plank
 Newspaper swords
 Picnic lunch
 This is, apparently, how pirates eat fruit :)
 The grand finale of the day - a purple princess bicycle!
Happy birthday, sweet girl!

A night on the ice

This year for Tink's birthday, all of our family got to come into town! We had dinner together at Fresco's, and then went ice skating. Tink has been talking about going since Chirstmas shopping at the Galleria, so bringing her cousins along was her idea of the perfect night.
 When you're (almost) four, you get to glide along and let Daddy do all of the work
 PaPa sneaking up on D
 Family fun!
Tink's cousin was not a fan of ice skating at first, but she tried again and had a great time! Proud of you, M!
Such a fun night!

Afternoon Tea

One of Tink's very favorite things is a tea party at The American Girl Bistro. When my sister and niece came into town a few weekends ago, I knew it was the perfect time for a girls day. We called one of the girls' friends and were on our way!
Waiting for tea time with their dolls (borrowed just for the meal).
 Sharing "pink" tea
Such a fun girls day! We hope to do it again soon!

Music Man

He can be found doing just this (along with a cute little jig) at least once a day. I think we might have a musician on our hands...
Please excuse the yougurt-stained pajamas. I do not believe in wearing a bib with clothes that you are about to throw in the laundry basket :)

Ladybug Girl

Just in case you're ever in need of a hero...


Just ask them, doing things with Daddy is fun!
 He lets you help work in the yard
 Spins you around
 until you come crashing to the floor
And best of all, he shares his iPad!

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

"Two" infinity and beyond

Don't ask me how Bug is already two - I'm still trying to figure it out. I was all geared up for a "Cookie Monster" themed party, but he insisted on Buzz Lightyear. I tried to convince him that Buzz Lightyear was for big kids and Sesame Street was much better for two-year-olds, but you can see where that got me :) We had a fun party with lots of friends and family, and he loved every minute.
 Welcome to Bug's party!
Cake and balloons - we also had "Pizza Planet" pizza :)
 Birthday banner and gifts
 Happy Birthday to You!
 Enjoying the last piece after Sunday lunch
 His most treasured present - a harmonica specially selected by his sister.
 Sprinkle doughnuts for breakfast
 His big gift was a train table, and most of our family bought trains and track to fix it up!
 A new tradition - birthday lunch with Daddy!
 His afternoon choice of activity - cookies!
 Number 2 cookies
 Cookie Moster cookies (See? He likes Cookie Monster...)
 Birthday dinner menu - "michael" cheese and peas
Happy second birthday, sweet boy! Mommy can't believe the way you're growing! Your favorite things are Buzz Lightyear, trains, Cookie Monster, books (especially Tag Junior), being outside, playing with your sister, and music! You LOVE to sing and dance, and know the words to LOTS of songs! You are also quite the chatterbox! You have a pretty big vocuabulary for your age, and are easy to understand. Some of my favorite phrases are, "What you saying?" "I ready breakfast" "Turn it up please" and "Do you like___? I like_____" You LOVE milk, and your favorite foods are "michael" cheese, pancakes, and refried beans. You're still not a big fan of meat, but you're a great eater. At your doctor's appointment, you weighed 30lbs and were 36 in tall! You are growing like crazy, and Mommy loves every minute. I am so proud of you and thanful every day that you're mine!


Had a "Proud Mama" moment while watching the kids play outside one afternoon...
 Tink is pulling Bug in the wagon
"Now you pull me" she tells him
 He pulls and pulls, but struggles
 So, she gets out and they pull the wagon together
What a sweet sister and a great example - love moments like this!