Thursday, April 8, 2010

Two Years Old

I still can't believe that Tink is two! As her personality blooms and she continues to grow, I have a hard time imaging my life without her. I wanted to make sure to record a few things about this stage in her life - it seems like she's changing so quickly, and i know these memories will fade, even though they're so vivid right now I can't imagine forgetting :)

Se loves books, some of which she can "read" on her own. One of her favorites, The Little Mouse, The Red Ripe Strawberry, and The Big Hungry Bear, was one of my favorites when I was little - I love hearing her little voice recite the story.

She's also started singing, which of course, her Daddy and I love. Her "versions" are interesting, and usually involve repeating a few lines over and over, but she's not too bad for a two year old (she knows just about as many words to the songs as her Daddy does!) Some of her favorites are Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star, Pat-a-Cake, The Itsy Bitsy Spider, and Old MacDonald, which she calls "Moo, Moo Here".

She is great to try new foods and isn't a picky eater, but has definite favorites. Some of those include yogurt, cheese, berries, cereal, pancakes, pasta, pizza, chicken, and rice. Her favorite places to eat are Chuck E. Cheese's (shocker), McDonald's, and, believe it or not, Pei Wei.

She loves all things Sesame Street, especially Elmo and Abby, and has recently discovered princesses (lucky for me, we just decided to decorate her "big girl" room in a princess theme).

She loves to watch TV and movies (I know, fantastic parenting). Her usual favorites are Sesame Street and Jack's Big Music Show, but she recently started showing interest in Disney movies. She was not happy about Cruella DeVille, which I had quite the time explaining.

She has a crazy fear of bugs that usually involves, screaming, running, and hiding while she waits for Daddy to "dit it" - should be lots of fun fun this summer.

She got a doll at the hospital when J was born that she named "Baby Boy" (the same thing she calls her brother if you ask what his name is). She loves taking care of Baby Boy, and spends hours taking him for rides in the stroller, giving him a bath, changing his diaper, and feeding him yogurt. Baby Boy never wears clothes. I have tried, and I have failed. For this very reason, you will never see Baby Boy outside of our house. Naked babies do not get to go. Period.

She loves to help me cook, and often pushes a chair up to the counter and asks to make pizza dough (apparently her favorite thing to cook).

She is very intent on everything being in it's place. This is good if you want her to pick up toys, bad if you're in a hurry to leave or ready for her to go to bed.

She has quite the vocabulary, and frequently entertains us with her "Tink-isms". More than once, I had to turn away and contain myself before correcting her. Here are just a few favorites:
"seagull" - cereal
"yo dirt" - yogurt
"drapes" - grapes
"samich" - sandwich
"nana potty" - manicotti/lasagna
"DDD" - movie/DVD
"her dat" - I heard that/Did you hear that?
"tooz me" - excuse me
"no wan it" - I don't want it/I don't want to
"Oh! Dare are!" - Oh! There you are/There it is
"Oh, my doodness" - Oh my goodness!
"oop-ee" - oopsy

Here are a few recent pictures life with Tink :)

Catching up on her reading (in my closet)

Helping Mommy cook

Movin' on up from the high chair to a booster chair

Playing with Abby

first pink toenails (for Easter)

birthday picture

two years old???

1 comment:

God Bless and Much Love~ The Goodwin Family said...

Tink's hair is gettin' SO LONG! I love it. Your kids are just precious Holly. They are growing and changing so much. Thanks for keeping us updated on here. Maybe some day we'll be able to get all of our kiddos together for a play date!