We started school a little early knowing that we would take a break in October - how do I have a first grader??
Speaking of said first grader, she decided to send me further into mommy disbelief by losing her first tooth (she has since lost the one next to it and is wiggling the one above - just too much).
We spent some time on R's parents' farm, and came home with quite a few peaches! The kids ate their full, I made peach butter, and the rest of these beauties are waiting in the freezer to become cobbler.
Game night is a big hit around here, especially when your Daddy plays Jenga with some serious theatrics...
We started reading together after we finish school work every day, and The Mouse and the Motorcycle was the first pick. I even managed to find the old-school movie on You Tube, much to the kids' delight.
Cool morning + water table + a book = happy kids, happy mommy
P is practicing being a big brother and has taken to Tink's Anna doll, which I must admit, I enjoy watching even more than he does playing.
Our talented niece is in her first year as an OU cheerleader this year! (Don't ask me how she's possibly old enough for this to be possible). R got to see her cheer for the first home game, and I (and my pregnant belly), watched from the couch.
Tink had a rough bout of ear infection/strep throat this month, and P was sweet to check on her (You OK?) and keep her company on the couch.
Our porch is shaded in the morning, which is perfect for an hour or two of sidewalk chalk, bubbles, and pretend laundry...
Game Day!
P was very excited to see all of the baby gear come out of storage, and still likes to rock in the infant seat (I'm not going to admit that I almost cried when I saw how big he looked when he sat in it).
Tink and J got to see their first hockey game! J informed me when they got home that the players got to "hurt each other on purpose"!
One of our last pictures before we became a family of SIX... I didn't take many pregnant pictures this time, and I treasure this one especially!
We take turns bringing the kids out with us on weekend errands, but they always volunteer to be the one who stays home with Daddy.
I purchased my first woven wrap (to wear the baby on my chest/back), and one of the suggested ways to break it in was creating a hammock on the table - the kids were more than happy to help!
On a random Friday morning, P woke up feeling less than great and I was considering taking him in to see his doctor. As I changed his diaper, I noticed that his toe looked like THIS. After a frantic call to R (who was boarding a plane), and a visit to the pedi, we confirmed staph infection (along with hand, foot, mouth as a bonus). Luckily, we caught it in time to treat with antibiotics. Completely crazy that J had staph in his toe at exactly the same age... Thankful for quick intervention and antibiotics!
We spent the last weekend of the month with my sweet cousin and her family. The kids became fast friends and had such a wonderful time playing together as we enjoyed one another's company, as always. It's so much fun when your family are also those friends who can pick up where you left off, not matter how long it's been.
And then, came our sweet baby girl! She was born exactly on her due date, which kept me in denial through a full day of contractions :) Her birth couldn't have been a better experience and I am so very grateful for the care that we both received. We could hardly wait to surprise the kids with the news of their SISTER, and I've never seen a bigger smile on Tink's face. Our time at the hospital was the calm amidst the storm, as we discovered a water leak in our kitchen and were away from home for five weeks while it was repaired! We spent a few weeks with my parents, and the kids were more than happy to be near their cousins for Halloween. Little Miss got to meet my Grandad a few months earlier than expected, and he laughed and laughed that God gave me ANOTHER little girl that looks "just like me" ;)
After a few fun weeks in Oklahoma, we decided it was time to come back to Texas. The kids were excited to stay in a hotel, and we raided Dollar Tree for activities to fill our afternoons. We also had several sweet visitors that brought fun presents! While in the hotel, P turned two. We celebrated with a party before leaving my parents' house, had our own little breakfast celebration as a family, and met R's parents for dinner at Babe's! After two weeks in the hotel, we couldn't have been more thankful to come home just in time for Thanksgiving. It was definitely an adventure that we'll talk about for years to come.
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